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Domů | Grafika | The world of coats-of-arms

The world of coats-of-arms

  • Typ: pro školy a školky
  • Doporučeno pro: 5th - 9th grade elementary school, secondary school - adapts to the age of the students
  • Kapacita: 15 dětí
  • Celkový počet dostupných termínů: 3

Everybody seems to have a logo nowadays. But what about days of yore? Let’s take a deep dive into a history and become nobles with own arms. What is the difference between a heraldic colour and metal? What is a charge, crest and a supporter? Why is there a half-horse in Pardubice’s crest? And is the Czech lion a lion indeed? Meet one of the oldest disciplines of graphic design, take a trip to the Middle Ages and create your own coat-of-arms!


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V nabídce máme 3 dostupných termínů. Pro rezervaci použijte formulář výše.